The School Photo Company / AMC Photo inc.
©1988-2022 AMC PHOTO Inc.,All rights reserved
NYC DOE Vendor #AMC010000
1) Is there a sitting fee for senior portraits?
Yes, we do have a sitting fee of $20 per senior student - this fee covers picture chosen for the yearbook sent to school and the link and password to view ALL proof pictures ( from 8 to 100) online and order them within one year.
link and password are e-mailed within 10 days after the picture day.
2) How many outfits do the Seniors get to pose with?
Tier I lets students do from one to two outfits:
1 - The Cap & Gown
2 - The Black Tuxedo/ Black Drape
If school allow it ( sometimes they do not )
3 - Regular clothing - requires an extra $10 session fee.
4 - Pictures with friends - requires an extra $10 session fee.
Tier II - have to be ordered by school at least 2 weeks prior to the picture day
All of Tier I plus ( extra non-refundable fees from $10 per service )
1) Stylist
2) Pictures in extra outfits like furs, boas, different color drapes
schedule presentation or/and school picture day with our company now
We shoot all of our pictures using the latest Green/Blue-Screen technology and we have 600+ backgrounds to choose from.
Students will get roughly 10 - 100 proofs with various backgrounds - all of which are customizable.
Please let us know if you have any other questions & feel free to contact us anytime.