The School Photo Company / AMC Photo inc.
©1988-2022 AMC PHOTO Inc.,All rights reserved
NYC DOE Vendor #AMC010000
Contact Us and Schedule your FALL and Spring Picture Day NOW
You select 2 poses and backgrounds. Same set of prints each pose. Prints included: (2) 8x10, (2) 5x7, (8) 3x5, (8) Jumbo wallets and 8x10 group picture.
21 photos for $30
Extra 2-5x7 (or 4-3x5 or 8 wallets) magnets - $10 each.
Samples you can view here
We also give many free bonuses to the school and parents on all of our picture days.
1. All Teachers & Staff receive two (2) free individual 5x7 portraits or their equivalent and free 8x10 class pictures
2. Great sales on our packages and single items
3. Minor digital retouching for free with every package.
4. Single Items can be purchased without a package purchase
NYC DOE Vendor # AMC1000