The School Photo Company / AMC Photo inc.
©1988-2022 AMC PHOTO Inc.,All rights reserved
NYC DOE Vendor #AMC010000
You select 2 poses and backgrounds. Same set of prints each pose. Prints included: (2) 8x10, (2) 5x7, (8) 3x5, (8) Jumbo wallets and 8x10 group picture.
21 photos for $30
Extra 2-5x7 (or 4-3x5 or 8 wallets) magnets - $10
Package 1 2 poses $30
Sport Pictures
Package 2 4 poses $45
Sample of our job for baseball team you can view here
Contact Us and Schedule your Sports Picture Day NOW
Sport pictures by AMC Photo Company
schedule presentation or/and school picture day with our company now
NYC DOE Vendor # AMC1000
You select 4 poses and backgrounds. Same set of prints each pose. Prints included: (4) 8x10, (4) 5x7, (16) 3x5, (16) Jumbo wallets and 8x10 group picture.
41 photos for just $45
Extra 2-5x7 (or 4-3x5 or 8 wallets) magnets - $10 .